
Eleven-year-old Whitney and her nine-year-old brother, Matthew, follow a cat into an old, abandoned house where they find a tiny gold egg, and magical things happen. A Voice tells them they egg will hatch into a Snigglefuzzle, a little creature that lives on kind words, and fades and disappears around harsh, angry words. Unfortunately, they live in a small Midwestern town where everyone is out of work and grouchy. They hide the Snigglefuzzle from unhappy adults, and turn to their best friend Tug. He has an invention that will put the people back to work and make them happy again. The townspeople like the idea, but two men sneak into town and steal Tug’s computer and the plans for his invention. Now the only way to save the town and the Snigglefuzzle is to find Tug’s computer and capture the thieves—and do it all without using harsh, angry words that will make their Snigglefuzzle disappear. Can they do it? Is it possible?