Whoever Heard of a Fird

If you haven't heard of a fird, part fish, part bird, you don't know that he's looking for a herd of fird. He wants to find out if he's "firding" right. You see, Fird was raised by a nest of Dicken's, part dog, part chickens, but they've never heard of a fird, and they don't know if he's "firding" right. So Fird sets out to find a herd of Fird. Along the way, he meets many two-feature creatures, whimsical animals like shamels–part sheep, part camels, and bertles–part bears, part turtles. But no one has heard of a herd of fird. While Fird has no luck finding a herd of fird, he discovers something far more important. He learns that he can be whatever her wants to be, without looking anywhere outside of himself. Shann Hurst's beautiful illustrations will delight young readers, and Ms. Bach's entertaining story conveys a powerful moral in a fresh and amusing way.